I don't really care about Diet Dr. Pepper anymore. I don't know what happened. Out of nowhere I'm just more interested in plain old Diet Coke (or Coke Zero, preferably). Thus ending years of an obsession. I know. I don't know what to tell you. The end of an era.
Also, I'm becoming fragile under the stress. I was getting worried about Carly not having any parents, and living with Spencer. Was iCarly another show where the parents are mysteriously absent, or does she really not have parents? Today I caught the tail end of an episode the girls were watching where Carly is going to have to go live with Grandpa instead. Of course, in the end, Grandpa sees that Spencer is a good caregiver and Carly is allowed to live with him. And I got misty. Watching iCarly. On Nickelodeon.
8 years ago
Sarah, I love reading your blogs -I don't comment often, but wanted to let you know that I do stop in.
Don't worry Sarah--I've been known to lose it over Wizards of Waverly Place. You are not alone.
I don't understand. Do you have left over DDP you wish to get rid of?
I was in the kitchen today making an impromptu lunch out of left over VBS snacks when Robin A said, "Mary Lisa, there's a Diet Coke in the fridge." Now there is someone who speaks the truth in love.
I think you sent your love of Dr. Pepper to me. I have never really had much Dr. Pepper and suddenly out of the blue, I'm craving it a lot. Although not diet. I don't do diet pop. Blech.
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