One of the unforeseen perks of moving up & away from everything is I feel like my girls and I have gotten closer. We've spent more time together, and done some exploring. It seems I've had an extra measure of patience and compassion with them, which could only be a gift from God. They have been such troopers during this whole process, and have just been cracking me up.
When we first walked into our new place and it was completely empty, Natalie said, "This is refreshing." I thought that was fantastic, so lately everything has been "refreshing" or "delightful."
Ella yesterday decided she wanted to try the children's programming at the church we were visiting. "Because, Mama, then I can make new friends. Just like the song. {singing} 'Make new friends, but keep the old, the other's silver and the other's gold.' The new friends are silver, and your old friends are gold." No need to worry about that one.
Through some sort of quick and sneaky chain of events, we'll be attending the church's Vacation Bible School Monday to Thursday night this week. I will be a helper. At the church I don't know. With all the strangers. The girls saw they were doing Crocodile Dock which they'd been excited to go to at our home church. But they start at age 5, so Natalie couldn't go. Although they have a special preschool program for the kids of helpers. Just call me a gator guide, I guess.
Maybe I'll pick up some silver, who knows.
8 years ago
Well, take it from someone who left MN with a bankload of silver, you will soon be jingling and jangling along. Now, isn't that refreshing?! :)
Hope the camp goes well!
Stopped over from Kristen's blog...glad I did!
I hope you get rich soon--lots of silver, and even a little gold.
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