I live 2 blocks from a rather large lake. After a massive snow melt (although we've still got some patches even after nearly a week of temps above 32), and a week of forecasted rain perhaps I will live closer to the lake. In the meantime, I have to stay close to the sump pump today. It's running hourly.
Totally brings me back to when the cat used to shove stuff in the sump hole in the basement, and one particularly rainy week our pump died because ribbon had gotten wrapped into the motor. And I mopped up a whole lotta water with a week-old baby upstairs while my dad bought the last pump in town and got it in. Thanks, cat. Good times.
In other news, I declare the economy to be alive and well. I know this because I went to Ikea and the Mall of America on Saturday. At Ikea there were nearly 400 people in line to check out. Sincerely. Almost 20 registers open, and at least 20 people per line. Insanity. Glad we didn't promise the girls the tiny stuffed animals they liked because I would not have stood in line for an hour for them. Many tears would have been shed. People were abandoning full carts left and right.
Then we went over to the Mall of America with the munchkins. We'd had a later breakfast (Mom! The hotel has Lucky Charms! And doughnuts!), so we figured a later lunch would work. First we swung past Rainforest Café because it's the girls' favorite. Luckily we were able to get a photo op with Cha Cha the Frog, because at 12:45 or so we were told the earliest the 4 of us could eat would be 2:08. Next... We headed up to the top level for restaurants and settled on Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. with their 30 minute wait. I'll take it.
Delicious tilapia and shrimp on jasmine rice later, and we wandered through the masses. Everyone was holding numerous large shopping bags. We managed to make it out without a single purchase other than lunch. Because nothing was worth waiting in the lines to check out (that and I gave up spending on myself for lent - it took great restraint to just walk by Sephora). What luck! Saturday's characters at Nick Whatever (Camp Snoopy in my heart forever) were Dora & Diego. There was a 5 minute or less line for a photo op.
After that insanity we started to head home. Stopped at Cold Stone Creamery, but again, a very long wait. So we headed to the trusty DQ where Ella polished off a chocolate sundae in a heartbeat. And then, because we're apparently new, we expected them to crash (or at least sit somewhat calmly) for a 2 hour ride home. Have we not read the manual?
And now it is spring break. So I have two cranky children. Tired. But Ella is already reminiscing about our trip. "Mom? Remember the hotel had Lucky Charms? AND doughnuts? And remember we ate at Applebee's? I want to do it all over again!"
Lastly, thank you, Jesus, for the Wii. We WILL survive spring break.
8 years ago
No tattoo this trip?? I guess that falls into the category of spending money on yourself?
SHUT UP - we were at MOA the SAME time as you. DOH!!! I was using our fabulous new membership to Underwater Adventures!!! :) I thought the place was insanely packed, too. Ridiculous...or spring break, I suppose.
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