Next week is the end of October. How, exactly, did that come about?
To celebrate, or to mourn, here is another miscellaneous collection of thoughts.
I spent last weekend at Women of Faith having Sister Retreat. I think I've been to 4 or 5 and this was the best one. We had a good time, and have made Grand Plans for the next one we attend.
A couple nights ago Natalie told me if I helped her clean their room the next day, she'd give me one of her pennies. I didn't fall for it.
Ella has added a crew to her busy recess schedule. She is now on a spy crew, and a vampire crew. I am choosing to believe it's more about Halloween than Twilight. I asked her what vampires do. "I don't know." Ok then.
I got my hair cut. I'm sure it will take some time for the relationship to develop, but I enjoyed her. I still miss Jen, but I don't think I'll shop around. New Hair Person seems like a keeper.
What I enjoyed most about the Winnie the Pooh series is the capitalization. I like to capitalize Important Things in the style of A.A. Milne whenever possible.
It's Halloween next week. I'm not sure what we'll have here. They've been digging through the dress up box changing their minds as they go.
I finished Donald Miller's new book, A Million Miles. I really enjoyed it and I recommend it. It's basically thinking of your life as more of a story.
To get in the mood for Halloween, I've been enjoying Beck's Halloween stories over at Frog and Toad. Start here. It's a delightfully creepy twist on children's stories. I'm totally buying the Max & Ruby one as truth.
8 years ago
"thinking of you life as more of a story" -- seems fitting for me right now. i got a free copy of the book at the conference i just attended (yay for free!) -- looking more forward to diving into it now.
October has flown by, but that is okay because November and December will be even more fun!
Thanks for the book recommendation; it sounds like an interesting perspective!
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