Aimee over at Libbyland tagged me on this one:
I am: loved.
I think: I am very blessed.
I know: God is my alpha and omega.
I want: progress.
I have: a beautiful family.
I wish: I took more time to play.
I hate: baked beans.
I miss: friends from college!
I fear: heights.
I feel: pretty good.
I hear: my girls watching a movie.
I smell: lotion.
I search: maybe not as often as I should.
I wonder: what God's plan for us is.
I regret: not much -- it's all made me who I am. Although I do wish I would have taken a couple weeks off between college and working full-time :)
I ache: a little -- I've actually exercised 3 days in a row.
I care: about a lot of things.
I always: procrastinate.
I am not: the same.
I believe: in Jesus Christ.
I dance: with the girls in the kitchen. Maybe a little faux swing with the hubby (we should really take a class).
I sing: whenever I can. On a Sunday at church. In the car. Shower. At the computer. I make a conscious effort not to sing while on my walks.
I cry: a lot more now that I'm a mom -- doesn't even have to be a Hallmark commercial.
I don’t always: prioritize well.
I fight: fire with fire. Ok, maybe not.
I write: less often than I should.
I win: sometimes.
I lose: sometimes.
I never: meet up with friends as often as I'd like.
I confuse: people.
I listen: pretty well but not perfectly.
I can usually be found: on the computer.
I am afraid of: heights -- did I not mention that?
I need: a pedicure.
I am happy about: the way life has unfolded thus far.
Thanks Aimee! Not going to tag anyone, but if you're looking for a blog topic do this one. Post a link in the comments that you did it, because I'd love to read it.
8 years ago
I am going to use this as I am just starting and really dont have that much to type about yet :()
Thank you and I may come back for help later!!
Fysty Mama
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