I have hobbies. But I also have children, and my own little "business." One thing I like to do is make earrings. I like earrings because they are a small time commitment, and are fun to give as gifts. So if I sit down for a half hour, I can make a few pairs.
But there are other things I'd really like to learn. If I had extra hours in the day, I would LOVE to learn to play guitar. I want to be able to have sing-a-longs with myself in my bedroom (after the extra hours of redoing my bedroom). And ultimately, to be able to accompany myself at church would be awesome.
I would like to sew. I see all these stinky cute things on etsy, and while I know the people there are better than I would be, it would still be fun to try. Natalie is crazy into dresses right now and it would be so very fun to make her some. I saw a cute blog (wish I could link to it but I've forgotten which one it is) where she gave a template for taking your favorite shirts that you can't wear anymore (size, stain, out of date, etc) and make them into easy little dresses. How fun!
I would like to read books. Currently on my nightstand are Velvet Elvis (about halfway done), Atonement (the library probably wants it back and I haven't started) and the Shack.
A month or two ago I bought the paint to clean up our basement closet/bathroom. I haven't painted it yet. Now I think I'll need to take it back to the store so they can shake it up for me again.
But my family thinks they should eat. And they like clean clothes. Or at least, I like them to wear clean clothes. And these pesky customers keep thinking they need the brochures and forms they've requested. Just for fun, I also like to get paid for doing those things, so then I need to sit down and send out invoices.
Maybe if I could stop sleeping til 8 am.
What's something you'd like to do that you just can't find the time for?
8 years ago
Don't you wish someone would just pay you to be fabulous??
Bookmarking you.
I would KILL to have enough time to make myself look presentable on a daily basis (hence my comment on your "What Not To Wear" post!).
Seriously, though, I would love to have time to do some digital scrapbooking. I'm not a traditional "scrapbooker", but I've got so many great shots of the kids in my iPhoto library that just sit there. It's pathetic.
I'd also like to have time to read a book once in a while or just wander out with my camera to see what photographic gems I could find.
Maybe someday.
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