It started out innocently enough. I was just making a quick trip to Target. I needed a few things. Downy and cereal and the like.
For some reason, I wandered past toys, checking to see if anything is on clearance (of course it's not, won't be again until after Christmas). But that led me to the Christmas section.
Suddenly, I felt festive. Very nearly wishing I had a fake tree again, so I could decorate. I saw everything with new eyes. "What a great gift for the babysitter!" "Oooo, Christmas jammies for the girls!" And not like, "I'll have to remember that later," more like, it made it into my cart and through the check out.
Oh I am on to you, Target, old friend. I see what you're doing.
And I kind of want to buy those pine cones. They were heavenly.
8 years ago
Well, you do only have about 5 weeks, so maybe Target really IS your friend ;-) Happy shopping and smelling!
Oh, they get you at Target!
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