Ok, this requires input. Every 2-3 months I debate losing the land line entirely and just going with cell phones.
My hangups (oooo -- sorry -- that was AWFUL) are as follows:
1. I work from home and use the land line to talk to my customers because I have unlimited long distance. I can easily end up on the phone for an hour or more per day on work-related calls.
2. If we switch to cells only, because we live in the stix it will suddenly be long distance for my family members across town (and the school for that matter) to call us.
3. I don't mind being in the phone book.
4. As Ella gets into school, how are her little friends going to contact her to play? Not that it's happened yet. Just thinking ahead.
It's just that I get tired of paying for cell phones and a land line. I'm not about to give up the comfort & convenience of the cell. And I wouldn't mind if Santa brought me an iPhone, which would require a substantial upgrade in our cell plan.
8 years ago
I will never again give up my land line. We went to cells only for a little while and it totally stunk-we'd be right in the middle of a call and it would drop, or it would just break up really badly. Our land line is almost always clear (although our current service isn't very good) and it's just nice to have both.
Hi! I stubbled across your blog from another I read. I just went through the same debate though so I thought I'd share!
We went with Vonage. The phone is through the internet connection and we pay $25 a month for unlimited local and long distance. We got to keep our same landline number but it cost a lot less!
I hear you on this one. I'm constantly having this debate, and the only thing that stops me from switching is that I'd have to carry my cell phone in my pocket at all times if I wanted to hear it. Right now I can hear the phone ring on whatever floor I'm on...and answer it--I'd have to run and find my cell phone. Though I may just give in someday....
I tried to convince Aaron to get rid of our land line. Didn't work. Instead we switched to Vonage, so that was the compromise. He already had it for his work number, so we just added our home number. It's cheaper, and we still have a land line....so....yeah....
We do the Vonage thing, too. It's half of what we were paying with Sprint. My biggest thing is that I don't like the idea of leaving the kids at home with a babysitter without there being a land line for them to use in case something happened. Maybe I'm paranoid, but that's my deal. :)
We only use cell phones. No land line. What I don't like about it is that Jim never picks up the phone and chats with my friends, my mom or any one else in my life who is trying to call me. And vice versa. I wish we had a land line, but I just don't have reason enough to foot the bill. We did have vonage in the past and that worked fairly well. I vote for you to keep the land line for the girls. You don't need them using cell phones as they grow up as it's too soon for the research on if they're frying our brains. No need to take chances with your precious darlings.
I did do just the cell phones, and sometimes it is easier to have both. Just in case.
At least one of the Vonage comments seems like an ad to me.... ;-)
Anyway - Karin and I dropped our land line about 3 years ago and can't imagine going back. There's no real need to pay for a land line.
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