** Contest Closed! Please head over to Keith's website to purchase his cd! **
Oh, yes, I AM!! I could not be more thrilled to be participating in the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival! If you're a freebie addict like me, check out the carnival. There will be over 1,000 giveaways listed!
So if you are here visiting via the carnival, welcome -- please -- have a seat. I appreciate you stopping by. Sometimes I write about my precious children. Sometimes typos. I'll be honest, quite often I don't write anything worth reading. And really, I'm just trying to get back into it all now that the Funk has lifted. You are so very welcome to come again.
Now, for my FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY! I am so excited to be giving away a fabulous piano cd by a friend of mine, Keith Martinson. The cd is called "Today", and it is brand spanking new. I was able to attend the cd release concert this weekend (well, well, look at me -- out of my house at fancy cd release concerts). It was a beautiful concert (David Ask was also performing), and I only wish our church would allow us to bring tasty hot beverage treats from the Caribou into our sanctuary, because I would have loved to have just leaned back with one and gone into a state of permanent relaxation.
Keith has a gift. I mean really. I love when he just plays under prayer or something at church, because he moves flawlessly from song to song, sometimes making it all up as he goes along. Furthermore, I remember once asking him if he knew a certain song. "I'm not sure, sing it." So I sang part of it and he just started playing. Did he know the song? No. But he could just hear the melody and was able to accompany me. It's sick. And I wish I was afflicted with it. But at least I get to witness it. And Keith is completely down to earth, which makes it impossible to hate him or even dislike him.
More about the cd: Keith's "Today" cd is entirely original music. From the liner notes: "It seems that Today is so often marked in the scriptures by God's action and our decisions. 'Today is the day of salvation... Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster... Today when you hear his voice... Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.' God is always doing something Today! My prayer is that this music will be a blessing to you and a reminder of God's presence today."
I started listening to "Today" today (ahahaha), and I love it. It made me want to stop what I was doing and just be. Instead I did some dishes and it was nice for that too. It would be nice to have on while reading. Fun to listen to in the car. It just made me feel reflective. And while I enjoyed all of the songs, I could put "All Things" on repeat for roughly, well, forever.
I have one cd to giveaway to a very lucky reader! If you are less lucky, please visit Keith's website where you can order his previous cd "Faith, Hope & Love" (another favorite of mine), and I suspect "Today" will be available... any day (ahahaha). Do you see this people? It's not quite even for sale online yet, but I have it for you. You're welcome.
To enter, please leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite musical artist/what's in your cd player/what's in heavy rotation on your ipod. Something of that nature. You have until 8 am CST Oct. 31, 2008. Then I will figure out how to use Mr. Random Integer to draw a Big Winner. You'll need to either leave me your email or a link to your blog so I might contact Lucky Lucky You. One entry per person. U.S. only please. I will post & contact the winner Friday, and said winner will have until noon Monday to claim this fabulous prize. After that, it's back to the random integer I go.
I want to thank Keith for helping me out with this giveaway -- remember, Christmas is practically around the corner and wonderful piano music would take care of a lot of people on your list. Also, check out another friend, Tony's site, but first read more here.
And -- BEGIN!!
8 years ago
I have already forgotten what the question was. But, I think it had something to with music...I am currently liking Wheezer. Well, actually husband is liking Wheezer, and since I am pretty much technologically-inept, I listen to whatever he downloads on my IPOD. What I'd really like to listen to is some super-relaxing-cozy-up-on-the-couch-with-a-hot-toddy-pianoish-music...know where I can get any of that goodness?
I don't really have a favorite artist and what I listen to usually depends on where I am. Usually country or christian rock in the car and classical at home. Thank you for offering this great giveaway!
rhonda (at) acedesignstudio (dot) com
We're loving Chris Tomlin right now...my daughter loves piano music too. Thanks!
cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Woo Hoo!!! Your first giveaway!!!! Congrats...I knew it was bound to happen one of these days.
Okay, I've been listening to Matthew West a lot lately, but my "oldies but a goodies" that I always default to are CCR or Aerosmith. Man, I love them!!! :)
No fave artist; I lean towards classical music. I'm a pianist, so I'd love Keith's CD!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com
How can I pick one favorite artist? It just depends on the mood--Selah, Beethoven, Chopin...but as far as an IPOD, alas, I don't have one. My music is listened to mainly as I drive. However, I can think of nothing quite so soothing as listening to sounds of Home through the music of Keith as we sit around our fireplace and relax in the evening. Thanks for doing a fun Giveaway!
If I could win, I wouldn't have to have you buy me one. I'm sorta into almost anything, Southern Gospel, classical and bluegrass -- oh, and piano.
PS Your mom can't win this contest, can she?
No favorite artist, but I listen to Contemporary Christian :) Thank you!
My very favorite song right now is How Many Kings? by Downhere. You can hear it on my blog:
stef dot reed at gmail dot com
Enter my giveaway to win a signed book!!
Right now I'm really liking Eden String Quartet.... and my absolutely favorite song that they do is Before the Throne of God Above!!
Jordan Lavik Hymns CD, I love it!
I love listening to Point Of Grace and William Joseph.
Love Piano Music!
I love Nicole Nordeman. Specifically her Woven and Spun cd. I'll be honest -- I really want to win. Pick me! Pick me!
laura story is who we've been hearing
I love piano music, ever since I heard Jim Brickman play! And I'd love a chance to win Keith's Cd you make it sounds wonderful!
One of my current favorites is a band called Mission. I heard them perform at a conference I attended last spring and they are amazing. They take a lot of traditional hymns and ramp 'em up a bit, if you will. Lots of guitar and totally awesome. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE piano music and obviously hope to win your giveaway.
I've been listening to Andrew Peterson on youtube lately.
My favorite all time artist is Caedmon's Call. I've liked everything they do and never get tired of it. Right now Nicole C. Mullen is in my cd player, and lately I've been wearing out Wayne Kerr, and Shawn McDonald.
I really love Natalie Grant. I'd LOVE to win this though!!!
my favorite artist is probably neyo right now
Great giveaway!
I hope I'm the lucky winner :)
Cool giveaway...I hate to admit, I am the last person on earth without an ipod. What do I listen to...The Clash!
my husband loves instrumental music...he loves all kinds of music I am in- thanks- please enter me thankyou..mrs.mommyyatgmail.com
i listen to taylor swift right now. thanks! sandy@diviinemodestee.com
I'm listening to Jason Mraz right now. But I love all kinds of music, and would love to listen to Keith's magic.
i have been listening to regina spektor a lot. very chill. would love to win your cd. sounds good.
thanks for the giveaway!
What a great CD to add to my collection
I go through phrases but currently pretty instrumental music by Shiro Sagisu (japanese composer)
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
I'll play along.
Favorite Band: The Cure
CD Player: What's that?
My Zune: Ranges from everything to Broadway musicals to Cheap Trick to the Dead Kennedys. Just depends on mood or whatever pops up.
I love piano music!
My favorite cd is the one I have in our car stereo right now - the sound track to "Mamma Mia!"
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Right now a Martina McBride Christmas cd is in my car cd player. I love Christmas music and today decided to go ahead and start Love piano music so I thank you for this giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo.com
I love to listen to mixed CD's...especially ones that a good friend of mine made because he knows what music I like and how to put songs together so that you get the right mix of upbeat, mellow, rock, boy band, etc. I also love listening to mixed CD's my sister and I made of our favorite songs. Currently I wish I had more time to listen to music but student teaching doesn't allow that. When I really need to just kick back and relax or reflect on things the first CD I pop in is always Keith Martinson's Faith Hope and Love. Its the perfect CD for anything. I can't wait to hear his "Today" CD as well...and winning it would be awesome because I am a poor college student with not a lot of extra money... but life rocks...it's even better with free music!
I love George Winston's Winter cd...perfect to listen to this time of year. Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!
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