So I'm pretty sure this is what the kindergarten mommies do. We walk home in the rain (helps the misty moments), and settle in to look through the baby pictures.
I feel like we were just there. And now we're here.
On the way out the door she said, "I'm READY for KINDERGARTEN!!" I hope I catch up quickly.
I must say though, Natalie and I are sort of enjoying a little more quiet.
8 years ago
It gets easier . . . sort of.
*sniff* Where did my tiny niece go? I can't believe she's so big already. I'll stop now; pretty sure I'm not helping.
I'm sure she'll have a wonderful day! :) I'm already to the point that 3:30pm comes too early in the day.
We did this today for preschool for Jake and Abby and I are sitting here playing. I'm thinking about him, but I admit it is kind of nice and she seems to like being the center of attention. Except of course while I surf the net....
My oldest just started kindergarten also. She was in preschool for two years so it shouldn't have been so hard for me!
Hi don't know me, but I went to Harris Covenant Church with Brennan and think I met you once. I read your blog today out of pure boredom at work and this post made me cry. I think the second day was worst than the first. It does get a bit easier, but then again, as they grow up is it any easier to let them go? Boo hoo! My baby just went into 4th grade! My second baby is itching to get into school and she's starting preschool in 2 weeks. Anyway, love your blog. you have a great descriptive way of writing your experiences that keeps me hooked! Thanks!
Hello my post to your blog showed up in my email...and i realized that one phrase "i read your blog today out of pure boredom" sounded quite crass. What i meant was that i was cruising the internet at work, went on facebook, and started looking at different blogs...and then found yours. It was a nice surprise and a delight to read. Sorry for the confusion :)
Thanks for stopping seems to go to fast. I only one who is seven months...I already think about his first birthday and how close it is!!
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