
Bloggy Giveaway Carnival

** Contest is now Closed **

It's time again for the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival! Last time I gave away a cd by my friend Keith. This time I have a lovely pair of earrings, handcrafted by me. They are green glass & copper.

If you're new here -- welcome! I hope you take a moment to look around. And if you feel so inclined, I'd love your vote at Culture11 (Voting ends today, Jan. 26)!

So let's see, rules. One vote per person. Mr. Random Integer will do the choosing. Friends & family welcome (let's see if Libby can go 3 for 3 over here!). To enter, simply tell me a way to combat winter blahs, because I need it. Leave an email address or a link to your blog so I can track you down. Shipping to United States only. Drawing will be Jan. 30, and I'll track you down to let you know you've won (if you leave me a way to do that).

Go check out the carnival if you're up for some goodies. It's a fun way to find some new blogs to read too. Happy entering!!


Jersey said...

Digging the new header design, BTW.

And as for the winter blahs - go somewhere warmer, even if it's only for a week.

Libby Design said...

Oh yay, another giveaway!! I've gotten SO many compliments on the earrings I won last time!! And if I win this time I promise not to enter the next contest so I'm not a "prize hog". :D

We took the kids to an indoor water park to help with the "winter blahs"...that'd be my suggestion.

Summer said...

Oh, gorgeous earrings! For the blahs I try to get outside at least once a day. Better if I can get some exercise while I'm out.

Cheryl888 said...

My best way to combat the winter blues - search online for travel deasl to warm locales!

Megan said...

When I lived in what felt like the coldest place in the world-Rexburg, ID, I would go tan. Maybe not the best thing for you but, it was so warm and I liked tricking myself into thinking it was summer. Of course, a spray tan would do that trick to, I suppose. Love the earrings.

Leah said...

My Mom (who I would give these earring too because she's awesome) gets the winter blahs and she took up crocheting. She must have made 60 hats so far this winter, but it keeps her busy and she loves finding new patterns.

Jill Watkins said...

Tanning takes away my winter blahs!

Wanda said...

I have to say......the tanning bed realllllllly helps me.
Plus....going out with my kids to activities like basketball games.
Makes me feel like I'm doing something.

Anonymous said...

Molly says, "hand deliver the earrings to me in sunny AZ!!!!

Anonymous said...

My way to help with the winter blahs, on a not so COLD day bundle up and just go for a walk, get some fresh air & watch the bunnies & squirrels outside. Yes, they are still around in the winter, so cute. Thank you for the contest. I HOPE I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) flyerz13@hotmail.com

N said...

I LOVE those earrings!

Hmm...ways I've been dealing with winter blahs...a walk outside in the sunshine (provided it's not bitterly cold) helps. Reading while drinking a nice cup of coffee or tea. And dancing is good too!

The Jacobson Family said...

Bring some Spring inside---get some potted flowers and display them around your home!
The earings are beautiful1

Unknown said...

I bring home fresh flowers to brighten up our house. Going outside every day even when its freezing also helps me combat the winter blahs.
Thanks for the chance to win.
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Carolyn G said...

I beat the blahs by exercising and also cooking! THe cooking sort of defeats the exercise though.

Sarah said...

I go sledding with my son if there is snow, if no snow then I take him to the indoor water park!

janetfaye said...

To avoid the winter blahs I get out everyday early in the morning to feel some sun.

The earrings are very pretty.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle said...

lots and lots of deep moisture lotion so you won't dry up in the house! Hot chocolate, a warm fleecy fuzzy blanket, get some sun at least once a day.

Anonymous said...

Buy a ticket and fly to Arizona on Friday morning.

Erin Lowmaster said...

These are really cute! Best way to cheer up during the winter is with book! They can take you anywhere and it's good to get a little lost in a book sometimes :)

Anonymous said...

To combat winter blahs we do crafts. The kids love getting out glue and paper! LOL

Sometimes we all curl up on the sofas and watch movies too, and have dinner in the livingroom.


Norberto Kurrle said...

The earrings are beautiful! We like outdoor activities to stir up the adrenaline and warm the body.

Lydia said...

I love perusing a fabric store to see all the new collections. Gets me out of the dreary "funk"!

Those are gorgeous earrings...you are very talented!

Emily said...

1) Wear bright colored scarves...OldNavy has a ton of super-fun scarves right now.
2) Wine. Seriously. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and its only 2 weightwatchers points.
3) Pluck your eyebrows. It hurts so bad you'll forget what you were thinking about before that was making you feel all blah.
4) Adult-only time...if you know what I mean? And I think you do since you have 2 children...
5) Lavendar or linen scented candles.
6) build an igloo or have a snoball fight...living in Texas I never get to do this, but I did when I was growing up- and the memories are priceless!

Emily (www.nickandemilystrittmatter.blogspot.com)

Francine said...

For winter blah's, plan an indoor beach party.
Great earring! They would look really good on me.

divaqueenie said...

I've been painting my son's room...it's not calming, but it has given me a purpose for getting up and moving. Hope this helps!

Lianne said...

Oooh, love the earrings!

To beat the winter blues, I like to

1. Look at beach pictures from previous summers and look forward to our next trip.

2. Light candles. Pleasant scents and the light they provide warm up any dreary day.

3. Do some fun exercise on my Wii fit. It's so much fun I forget that I'm exercising!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

A way to fight the winter blahs??

Scent... Sunflowers.. Honeysuckle... anything that takes you away...

Suzanne said...

Have a party with friends

Sheila Hickmon said...

Getting a massage always helps me!!

Anonymous said...

Tea, a good book, and as much light as possible! I have a reading chair by the living room window with a huge lamp for exactly this reason :-)

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

An iMperfect wIfe said...

Even if it's realllllly cold...

get outside for 10 minutes in the sun each day to soak up the good stuff. Just a little bit makes a big difference.

we suffer long winters here too...

ps love the earrings!

3boyzmom said...

I love the earrings, very unique!!For the Winter Blahs.....I like to buy a new board game that the kids have been wanting...and have some family game nights!!

okaat said...

WInter blahs.. i should be an expert by now. I live in A VERY COLD PLACE. I invite friends over for coffee and conversation on cold wintery mornings.


Gene and Annie said...

I love homemade chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven!1 Also long warm showers always seem to warm me up! The earrings are so pretty... thanks for the chance!

miller lawn service said...

Get a massage. It will definitely improve your mood!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I like dreary winter days, but a lovely indulgence is a warm bath, a candle, a glass of wine, and a great book (all at once!). Thanks!

fortyb4forty said...

I leave the a lot of lights on and keep the music on, it helps.
The earrings are lovely!

Abby said...

I turn the heat up and eat ice cream!

And I love the earrings. Thanks for the chance!!!

Lady Christie said...

love the earrings!

As for the winter blahs going tanning always seems to help.


Anonymous said...

thanks ! hope i win !

luckymatt5 AT gmail DOT com

i combat winter blahs by making my home feel warm and snuggley. we dont have a fire so i bought a fire dvd to put on my dvd. its a great conversation piece !

D Q said...

I get the winter blues also. I combat it by trying to take a 15 minute walk outside daily-weather permitting. It does seem to help.

Hannah Q. Parris said...

Love these earrings! My favorite way to beat the blahs is to win stuff...seriously!

mickeyfan said...

We take a short vacation to somewhere warm. Even the planning leading up to it helps!

Celeste said...

I love to bake when we're stuck inside...but, I do live in Florida - so we're rarely "stuck"! lol

Lovely earrings!!!

contact me at:

DEBIJOT said...

Just get up and go - anywhere. For a day, or two. The change can be invigorating.

Erika Powell said...

I curl up with a mug of tea and a good book. I get lost in their world and forget how cold and icky it is.


we make it fun inside- yep the cold sucks and expenses tight so getting out is hard- we were without power because of ice 5 hrs this am- so we had a picnic and played games inside

Anonymous said...

Pretty earrings. Well, Bloggy Giveaways helps fight the blues for a week lol. Whenever the sun is shining, I try to sit by a window where it's coming in and let it hit my face for a few minutes. Some good music helps, too. I struggle with SAD, so this helps along with limiting sugar, and eating healthy (I get the blues bad when I'm not eating decent). Exercise would probably help, too what with the natural high it gives you, but I've yet to get that going. :)


Anonymous said...

Ooh... fighting winter blahs... I guess first would be to get something cool in the mail because you won it in a bloggy give-away! But if that isn't possible (fate isn't always on my side), then I like to appreciate winter for what it is... seek out snow if there is snow to be had. Cuddle up with a good book and hot chocolate... and remember that spring (and the hot) it just around the corner.

Anonymous said...

One way to beat the winter blahs is to grow some plants inside the house. They help clean up the air, some provide fragrance, they delight the eye, and they reassure us that yes, Spring will come again. Buy a small plant, care for it tenderly, watch it grow and beat the winter blahs!

allibrary (at) (aol) dot com


I love to look at pictures of flowers and beaches during the winter. I think it is a nice way to combat the winter blahs. Thanks for the giveaway!!


CC said...

I'd like to say chocolate, but I'm on a diet. So.... a good book? ;)

shaunjoy said...

Books and movies from the library; fix some 'summer' meals -- potato salad, fruits, etc.

Mia J. said...

I try to get out and get some exercise on these winter days. When I can't get outside I try to watch a good comedy on tv or read a good book.

Elisa Morrison said...

How about some hot chocolate and a good book? Or a mocha with whipped cream and a good book. Always makes me feel glad it's cold outside.

Katie said...

I light some candles, have a cup of tea, and curl up with a good book under some blankets on the couch. I would suggest A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson because it's about hiking the Appalachian trail and funny.

L. K. said...

To combat the winter blahs I try to embrace the joy that is winter. Goofy? Sure it is. But I can't change the weather. Instead I try to enjoy having no yard work and start planning what I'm going to do when spring comes. Thanks for the giveaway!

lmillitch (at) gmail (dot) com

Sarah Z said...

I get active by bundling up and going for a walk!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Man, I need a way to beat them too! This winter has been the worst for me. So far, I combat it a little by planning faux vacations to places a lot sunnier than here!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Gretel said...

Usually I try and get outside no matter the weather! Throw snowballs, dance in the rain, get a tan...I live in Colorado....all is possible in the winter time here!


Becca said...

Go for a fun sleigh ride. Thanks for the cool contest. sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

Miranda Ward said...

I love going on webshots and looking at pictures

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, those are beautiful!
I find that lunch with my best friends, tend to cure any type of blahs.


Unknown said...

chocolate :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, those earring are pretty! Beating winter blahs...hmmm...well, this might not be the smartest thing, but going tanning or even getting the spray tan makes you forget you practically are a part of Canada and winter lasts for at least 6-9 months. Hope the blahs go away soon!

noreen said...

turn on hawaiian music and have a drink with an umberella in it

ailad said...

A cup of hot cocoa and a good book! Gorgeous earrings by the way :)

A family of boys said...

I love the earrings! The best thing I've found for winter blahs is to get outside, even if it's cold or rainy or whatever...just 15 minutes gets me energerized.

valerie2350 said...

exercise!!! :)

cute earrings :)

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I just get out and get some exercise, by going to the gym or whatever!


cvdmvega said...

I take a hot bath and curl up with a favorite book...the earring are very cute...thank you so much for participating in the giveaway...Carol Jo

jawa22lly said...

WOW.. what a great giveaway..thanks

Peggy said...

Its snowing out right now so to battle the winter blahs I enter contests,meet new people through their blogs and have fun.Don't forget the coffee.
Great giveaway,love the earrings.
Thanks and it nice to meet you!

TheTamFam said...

Cute earings. I like to get a good book to read--lets you enter a "non blah" world for a bit.

Ginny said...

I like to decorate in bright colors to keep my mood up.

Angie(quillysilly) said...

Hands (and feet down...) get a Pedicure!! Trust me...it does wonders for the winter blahs!

LFinn said...

Right now I am fighting the winter blahs by spending lots of time entering bloggy giveaways! Thanks for a chance to win your beautiful earrings!

Check out my site for a giveaway (Joanns giftcard)

Toiling Ant said...

Long hot bubble baths work for me!

AmeliaB said...

I like to keep making stuff! :) As well as curling up with a good book and tea (a must).


Janet said...

Well, I learned about blogging. I enjoy blogging contest and giveaways. I keep busy. Thanks.


~Love Giveaways~ said...

Ohh, I love to curl up with my kids under a blanket, drink some hot chocolate and watch the snow come down :)
I would love to win this! Thanks for the great giveaway!
janine at lovegiveaways.com

Mer said...

Beautiful earrings! My favorite way to combat the winter blahs is curl up by the fire, under a blanket with a good book (because I don't feel guilty about not working on the garden in the winter, so more me time!) and some hot chocolate (you'll burn off the calories shoveling snow!). Purring cat optional. Thanks for the giveaway!

Nelsby said...

Go for a great massage...works wonders!

Thanks for this fabulous giveaway!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like to finish projects I was putting off, then I have a sense of accomplishment

demmi said...

that is hard if the sun is out open up all the drapes to let the sun in and be sure to sit down and enjoy the sun con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Dawn M. said...

I love the earrings! What a pretty shade of green. :0)

Our local zoo has an indoor "amazon" exibit. Very warm and humid. After visiting that for a while, it's nice to go back out in the cold. ;0)


Karen A. said...

Love the earrings but can't give you any suggestions on how to get rid of those winter blahs as I have them too and am looking for something to help me.

A Reader said...

Planning a vacation.
Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

I get frustrated because I can't garden, so I started a sprout garden.

Willo said...

To beat the Winter Blahs I am planning my spring garden. So much green to look forward to!

The earrings are beautiful and I love that they are recycled.


Crickettsmom said...

Winter blahs...oh I am so there with you! I like to surf travel websites and dream a little. Exercise always makes me feel better, I do water aerobics. But curling up with a warm drink, a book, and a blanket and stay curled up in my pj's for the day!

Jenn said...

Cuddle with a teddy bear or something equally soft and cute :)

Jackie said...

Open the blinds or the curtains and let whatever sun is outside in. I think the light helps.

Why not plan an indoor picnic in the living room. That could be fun!

Unknown said...

To combat winter blahs, think of how dreadfully sweaty and uncomfortable you will be in the dead of summer...and enjoy the cool air while you can readily get it! HA! :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

judyv12306 said...

Live in the Valley of the Sun, phoenix, Az no winter blahs here. Now ask me how my summer went and I tell you a different story.

kalea_kane said...

Nothing helps me get rid of the winter blahs like playing some poppy 80s music and getting silly or coloring in a coloring book. Yep it is very childish, but I love it! Besides, I am finally really good at coloring! The earrings are lovely by the way!


Ingrid said...

I beat the winter blahs by putting on my warm house slippers, a cup of hot coffee and a good movie. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Have a cup of hot cocoa and put your feet up. The earring are lovely--green and copper are both special to me!


Donna M. Clark said...

The best way I know to combat winter blahs, is have a pajama day. Have a day where no one needs get out of the pajamas, and you just play games all day.
I would love to win those earrings, green is a good color for me, and they are beautiful.