Ok, yeah, it doesn't quite have the ring to it. But how fun! Over on Lisa at Crazy Adventure's blog, she was giving away carbon neutral holidays. Through Brighter Planet, they have donated 136 pounds of carbon offsets (one day's worth) in my name.
Alright, I admit I still don't totally grasp the whole carbon offset thing. But I know they do it at the Oscars. And it's a good thing. And it makes me feel all chic and green.
AND. I get to pass the gift on to the first five people who click this link. What Brighter Planet would like in return, is that you consider how you can have a greener holiday.
Tomorrow I'll tell you how we're reducing our carbon imprint for 3 days by not turning on our Directv receiver or tv. Tune in to find out WHY ON EARTH THIS HAS HAPPENED. Anyway. How green of us.
8 years ago
Yay!!! :)
I kinda don't get the carbon offset thing completely? I'll come back and see how it goes...
Yes please! I am totally the recycling queen at work (which is basically impossible as its in a hosptial, but whatev)...does being too lazy to put up Christmas lights count as being green?!
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