Ho, ho, ho my reader. I'm feelin' the spirit of Christmas, so I would like to give away a fabulous pair of earrings. Handcrafted. One of a kind. Because I made them, and I don't have the patience to make two pairs the same. And alright, I don't know that they're fabulous, but they are FREE.
This is an easy win, because there aren't many of you. And you can't even really see the earrings, because I'm still figuring out how to photograph them -- so won't this be a fun surprise!! One Lucky Duck reader will have your choice of three pairs:
Brown shell-like, with pewter lever backs
Pinkish with silver french wires
Gray with clear glass and silver french wires
Leave me a comment with something Christmas spirit-y. A favorite holiday tradition, favorite Christmas cd, the gift you're most excited to give, etc. I will draw a winner via the Random Integer Friday morning (Dec. 26), while y'all are out making your exchanges at Target.
I'm off to see if my children left me enough tape to wrap some presents. There was so much crafting going on here today. Our house is covered in chenille twist twists. Apparently this morning I had elves in the house, making pipe cleaner toys. You just never know what can happen on Christmas break. All we know is Mommy needs a Caribou or Starbucks (I'll take a chai with skim if you're stopping by).
I'll leave you with Natalie's carol of choice, which she sang for 15 minutes in the car tonight:
"Jingle Behws, Jingle Behws, Jingle all the way...so much fun is to ride soho toho sleigh - EH!
Jingle Behws, Jingle Behws, Jingle all the way...so much fun is to ride soho toho sleigh - EH!
Jingle Behws, Jingle Behws, Jingle all the way...so much fun is to ride soho toho sleigh - EH!
Jingle Behws, Jingle Behws, Jingle all the way...so much fun is to ride soho toho sleigh - EH!"
You get the idea.
8 years ago
My new favorite Christmas song is "Anno Domine", selection 6 from the CD "The Lost Christmas Eve" by Transiberian Orchestra. The lyrics include "the past can be forgiven, the future be rewritten on this night when ev'ry child is saved..." It should be playing in the background of the final chapter of "A Christmas Carol."
The gift I'm excited about is the gift I am currently enjoying...family. My gift this year was a plane ticket to CA to spend time with my family. We're all here except my sister and this is something that rarely happens. It is such a blessing to all be here together! Although I almost miss the snow I am loving the amazing weather (50ish) and no snow! I also love the holiday drinks at coffee shops (Caribou imparticular...ho ho ho mochas, and the others as well!).
Okay, no laughing...my favorite Christmas CD right now is the Ally McBeal Christmas one. I just love the variety...and I love "The River" sung by Robert Downey, Jr. on it.
I'm hoping for win #2 on themommylogues. :)
Merry Christmas!!
My favorite holiday tradition...midnight mass. Our church has the most beautiful chior and the mass is just so humbling and ispiring. I feel like its the fresh start of my new year...and I leave feeling connected to the world and God. Can't get better than that!
Oh, and (on a not so enlightened noted) I totally like giving and recieving gifts from those that I love. There is something so special about getting that perfect thoughtful gift for someone, and then getting the same in return. It can really make you feel special!
PS- me likey the pink earrings...must have...
my favorite tradition in our family growing up was that we would go to midnight mass (we could walk to church then, it was always so pretty and still...). then when we got home we were allowed to open ONE present. only one. and we never got to pick it ourselves. mom and dad always picked them and every single year it was the same: pajamas. man, how did they do that year after year?!?!? ok, so i wasn't too quick on the uptake. but getting pj's on christmas eve was always my favorite. we still do it to this day.
although yesterday my dad emailed and said it was ending. but apparently my brother and i doth protest too much. we put the smack down on that. it means too much to both of us to give up!
happy christmas!
My favorite tradition is Golden Rod Eggs for Christmas Morning. Every Christmas morning we go to my grandmother's house for this breakfast. My Pop Paw's mother (my great grandmother) made these simple and cheap eggs way back when and it stuck. Since they didn't have a lot of money she made up a story that these eggs were eaten by royalty. We doubt that it actually was, but talk about making the best of hard times. The eggs are hard boiled and the whites of the eggs are made into a gravy that goes on an English muffin. The "golden rod" (the yellows) are sprinkled on top. It has been such a delicious breakfast that I, personally, have enjoyed it all of my 29 years. My husband even looks forward to eating them. These days we add some spiral ham and a ripe tomato to the mix.
Lisa Ask, Hendersonville, TN
I got Jim a remote controlled helicopter for inside the house. It oughta be a hoot when he opens it!
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